What is BioGas?
Biogas is a product of an anaerobic process, a metabolic process that happens without the presence of oxygen by bacteria in which the organic waste dissembles.
Which gases it contains?
- Methane (CH4)
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
- Ammonia (NH3)
- Others
Can we use the BioGas as is?
Yes, we can use the BioGas as is, but we might not use it to produce electrical energy!I don't understand...
What should we do?
We should try to extract other gases so the Methane (CH4) gas will form a high percent ( +90% ) in the BioGas.Why?
- Matter of Safety.
- Lower damage to the environment, less pollution.
- Lower damage to the instruments which produce the energy production.
- Higher productivity.
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